I wrote down some questions in my notebook during the lecture and didn't ask them so I figure they're something to put in my journal and I'll come back later and know the answer to them. Here they are:
1. (after the slide showing all the points, lines, and polygons and their coordinate data) Is there some point where we have to type all of that coordinate data in to ArcCatalog?
2. What are the advantages of a TIN? I mean, I know that the book said they store easier than raster data because they're vector data, and they're more accurate than other kinds of vector data like standard contour lines (atleast i think the book said that; i'm working from memory), but when i look at one, it actually looks visually really confusing and difficult to read.
... I guess that's a stupid question and the answer is that you use it for the quantitative information stored into it, not as a visual for your final map. Hence why surveyors would use it.